آزاد شو

*** اين وبلاگ منعکس کننده مطالب و مقالات حزب ميهن است ***

Saturday, April 22, 2006


iran: The other side of the enrichment bombshell

Amir Taheri
was born in Iran and educated in Tehran, London and Paris. Between 1980 and 1984 he was Middle East editor for the London Sunday Times. Taheri has been a contributor to the International Herald Tribune since 1980. He has also written for The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and The Washington Post. Taheri has published nine books some of which have been translated into 20 languages, and In 1988 Publishers'' Weekly in New York chose his study of Islamist terrorism, "Holy Terror", as one of The Best Books of The Year. He has been a columnist Asharq Alawsat since 1987

Was Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahamdinejad inspired by a Tehrani folk tale to try and lead the Islamic Republic out of what looks like the most serious foreign policy crisis in its history?
The question arose the other day as Iranians watched the firebrand president announce Iran’s “full entry into the nuclear club.”

The announcement was carefully choreographed for maximum effect.

It took place in Mash’had, Iran’s second largest city and the site of the nation’s holiest Shiite shrine. The announcement was also made on the eve of the arrival in Tehran of a negotiating team headed by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) director Muhammad El-Baradei. Ahmadinejad, with a giant Iranian flag in the background, also described the announcement a “special present” on the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The show was punctuated by songs and dances performed by men and women dressed in folkloric gears, thus adding to the North-Korean style of the exercise.

All in all it was a clever mixture of Islam, nationalism, science, political braggadocio, and diplomatic flexibility.

The announcement that Iran now masters the full nuclear fuel cycle and that it has enriched uranium to a minimum acceptable level in laboratory conditions, may be no big deal to better informed citizen. In fact, Iran had the scientific and technological capacity to do so in 1977. It lost that capacity when the late Ayatollah Ruhallah Khomeini, who seized power in 1979, shut the nuclear programme as “satanic”, had some scientists executed, and forced others into exile.

Spoil sports may even claim that the knowledge needed to do what Iran claims to have done is available on the internet, and that, provided the money is there, even private citizens could process uranium to such low levels of enrichment.

But the spoil sports would be wrong.

The issue here is not uranium enrichment but the finding of a way for the Islamic Republic to walk out of a high-risk confrontation with the United Nations without losing face.

On that score, Ahmadinejad should get high marks. But he may owe all that to the Tehrani folk tale we mentioned above. That tale is woven around its hero Ali Golabi (Pear-shaped Ali) who is a small chap with big ambitions.

The bigger chaps in the neighborhood dismiss him as a midget, bully him whenever they can, and never offer him a seat at the table in the teahouse which is their haunt. So what does Ali Golabi do? He goes around waving a big knife, making a big noise, breaking a window here and there, and, occasionally, even strangling a street cat to show his strength. His agitations annoy the big chaps who want to sip their tea, puff their hookahs and play a game of backgammon in peace.

Nevertheless, Ali knows where and when to stop. As soon as the big chaps come out of the teahouse to confront him, he declares that he has already done whatever he had wanted to do and is now ready not to do it again. This helps ease the tension and gets Ali off the hook- until the next showdown.

So, if our analysis is right the next step for the Islamic Republic would be to announce that, having done what it wanted to do, it has now decided to stop doing it for a while as a gesture of goodwill.

Tehran has less than two weeks to do that before the 28 April deadline set by the United Nations Security Council.

I may be wrong but I think that the Ahmadinejad announcement provides the first opportunity to stop the crisis from spiraling out of control. The Iranian climb-down, if it has not already happened by the time this column is published, is sure to come soon.

The reason is that Ahmadinejad has achieved his tactical goals and has no reason to provoke a confrontation at this point.

His first goal was to discredit his two predecessors, the mullahs Hashemi Rafsanjani and Muhammad Khatami, by portraying them as weaklings who had given in to pressure and agreed to stop uranium enrichment in the first place.

Ahamdinejad has succeeded in developing a macho image, built around the myth of his ”austerity and purity”. His claim is that Rafsanjani was vulnerable to pressure by foreign powers because of his business interests, while Khatami craved attention from Western leaders and media> Ahmadinejad, however, is proud of being poor, and demands attention from no one but the “ Hidden Imam.”

Ahmadinejad’s second goal was to appear to be acting from a position of strength, and, once again, he has succeeded.

The Mash’had announcement came as the denouement of a series of dramatic events. These started in February with the biggest ever show of military power that Tehran has seen. Then followed the military manoevures conducted in the Strait of Hormuz and the Gulf of Oman. Next came the testing of what was claimed to be “ the world’s fastest underground anti-submarine missile”. In between something called “ the flying boat” was thrown in and presented as “ a miracle in military technology.” Ahmadinejad also highlighted his radical credentials by promising to “ wipe Israel off the map.” It would be hard for anyone to accuse him either of weakness or a lack of revolutionary zeal.

Having developed its image as a major military power that cannot be bullied by anyone, the Islamic Republic is now in a position to show “magnanimity” in the service of peace and understanding.

This would not be the first time that Pear-shaped Ali has helped get the Islamic Republic of the hook. In August 1988 the Islamic Republic launched its biggest ever military operation in the eight-year long war against Iraq as a prelude to announcing that it has accepted a UN-brokered ceasefire which it had rejected for years. Thus what was a humiliating retreat was presented as a great triumph for “ Islam and the Revolution.”

If the US and its European Union allies play the roles assigned to them in the Ahamdinejad script the current crisis is likely to be defused soon. Tehran will announce a new moratorium on uranium enrichment, probably for period of two years that could later be extended to 10 years. It would also agree to submit the additional protocols of the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT) to the Islamic Majlis for approval at an unspecified date, and invite the IAEA to resume inspections in Iran. Since enriching uranium is not illegal under the NPT, there is nothing that the US and its allies could do in response to what Pear-shaped Ali says he has already done but won’t do again.

But while all this might provide yet another respite the crisis generated by Iran’s refusal to accept the new emerging status quo in the Middle East will not be dissipated. The outside world will never be sure that the Islamic Republic is not developing a nuclear bomb. Nor can anyone be sure that the Islamic Republic, casting itself in the role of the leader of a new “ Islamic superpower” in a global “ Clash of Civilisations” will always retain Pear-shaped Ali’s proverbial prudence.



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! بختيار که نمرده است

بخشی از نوشته های آقای دکتر امير سپهر ( بنيانگذار و دبيرکل حزب ميهن ) :

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چرا انقلاب آرام در ايران ناشدنی است؟

! دموکراسی مقام منظم عنتری

نوروز ايرانی در رژيمی ايرانی

بوی خوش خرد گرايی در نوروز

نامه ای به سخنگوی وزارت خارجه

!اصلاح جمهوری اسلامی به سبک آمريکا

!رژيم و دو گزينه، شکست، شکست ننگين

! لاابالی ها شال و کلاه کنيد

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!نه نه، اين تيم، تيم ملی ما نيست

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فرهنگ سازی را بايد از دکتر شريعتی آموخت

دانشمندان اتمی يا الاغهای پاکستانی

راه اصلی ميدان آزادی خيابان شاهرضا است/بخش دوم

راه اصلی ميدان آزادی خيابان شاهرضا است/بخش نخست

مبارزان ديروز، بابا بزرگ های بی عزت امروز

پيش درآمدی بر چيستی فرهنگ

ملتی در ميان چند طايفه رويا پرداز دغلباز

مشکل نه دستار که مسلک دستاربندی است

بی فرهنگی ما، عين فرهنگ ما است

! نابخردی نزد ما ايرانيان است و بس

!خود همی گفتی که خر رفت ای پسر

ولله که کابينه احمدی نژاد حقيقت ما است

است( Oedipuskomplex )رنج ما ازعقده اوديپ

غير قمر هيچ مگو

اين نه گنجی، که عقيده در زندان است

جمهوری خواهی پوششی برای دشمنان ملت

شاه ايران قربانی انتقام اسلامی

کار سترگ گنجی روشنگری است

گنجی اولين مسلمان لائيک

واپسين پرده تراژدی خمينی

انتخابات اخير پروژه حمله به ايران را کليد زد

جنگ آمريکا عليه ايران آغاز شده است

انتصاب احمدی نژاد، کشف حجاب رژيم

حماسه ديگری برای رژيم

برادر احمدی نژاد بهترين گزينه

انقلابی که دزديده شد؟

معين يک ملا است، نه مصدق

بزنگاه سرنوشت رژيم ايران !/ بخش سوم

بزنگاه سرنوشت رژيم ايران/ بخش دوم

بزنگاه سرنوشت رژيم ايران/ بخش نخست

فولادوند همان جنتی است

اکبر گنجی، ديوانه ای از قفس پريد

دموکراسی محصول انديشه آزاد از مذهب است

تفنگداران آمريکايی پشت مرز هستند

رئيس جمهور اصلی خامنه ای است

!دانشجويان سوخته را دريابيد

دغلبازان ملا مذهبی

!خاتمی خائن نبود، رفسنجانی هم نيست

فندق پوست کنده

خيانتی بنام انقلاب اسلامی

ايران، کارگاه بی کارگر

آزادی کمی همت و هزينه می طلبد

نمايش لوطی عنتری در ملک جم

نخبگان نادانی

بوی باروت آمريکايی و رفسنجانی

آقای خمينی يک پيغمبر بود نه امام

انديشه زوال ناپذير است

اپوزيسيونی ناکارآمد تر از هخا!

زنهار که ايرانی در انتقام کشی خيلی بی رحم است!

سخنی با امضا کنندگان بيانيه تحليلی 565

...بر چنين ملت و گورپدرش

واپسين ماههای رژيم يران

اصول اعتقادی دايناسورها، طنزنوروزی

يادت بخير ميسيو، يادت بخير

امتيازی برای تسخيرايران

اشغال نظامی ايران وسيله ايالات متحده

چهارشنبه سوری، شروع حرکت تاريخی

بد آگاهی و فرهنگ هفت رگه

جرج دابليو بوش، آبراهام لينکلنی ديگر

روحانيّت ضد خدا

استبداد خاندان پهلوی بلای جان ملا ها

آمريکا در خوان هقتم

عقل شرعی و شرع عقلی

واکنش مردم ما به حمله نظامی آمريکا

عشق های آقای نوری زاده

به هيولای اتم نه بگوئيم

موشک ملا حسنی و اتم آخوند نشان بزبان کوچه

رفراندم امير انتظام يا سازگارا، کدام ميتواند مشکوک باشد ؟

آيا مخمل انقلاب به خون آغشته خواهد شد؟

کاندوليزا رايس و بلال حبشی

سکس ضرورتی زيبا است نه يک تابو

نام وطنفروشان را به خاطر بسپاريم

طرح گوسفند سازی ملت ايران

آب از سر چشمه گل آلود است

رژيم ملا ها دقيقآ يک باند مافيا است

نوبت کشف عمامه است

فرهنگی که محشر می آفريند - دی جی مريم

ملا ها عقلمان را نيز دزديده اند

فقدان خرد سياسی را فقدان رهبريّت نناميم

ابطحی و ماری آنتوانت ـ وبلاگ نويسان تواب

نادانی تا به کی !؟

آزادی ايران، نقطه شروع 1

آزادی ايران، نقطه شروع 2

هنر سياست

ايران و ايرانی برای ملا ها غنيمت جنگی هستند

شب تيره، نوشته ای در مورد پناهندگی

انقلاب ايران، آغاز جنگ سوم بود

اين رفراندوم يک فريب است

سپاه پاسداران، شريک يا رقيب آمريکا

خامنه ای پدر خوانده تروريسم

فرهنگ پشت حجاب

کمونيسم همان حزب الله است

داريوش همايون چه ميگويد؟

اينترنت دنيای روانپريشان

خانه تکانی فرهنگی

فردا روشن است

عين الله باقرزاده های سياسی

آن که می خندد هنوز

اپيستمولژی اپوزيسيون

انقلاب سوسول ها

درود بر بسيجی با و جدان

روشنگران خفته ونقش چپ

فتح دروازه های اسلام

حزب توده و نابودی تشيّع

جنگ ديگر ايران و عراق

درد ما از خود ما است

يادی ازاستبداد آريا مهری!؟

ابر قدرت ترور

کدام مشروطه خواهی؟

برای آقای سعيد حجاريان

تراژدی ملا حسنی ها

مارمولک، سری 2

پهلوی پرست ها

هخا و تجمع اطراف دانشگاه

هخا و خاتمی، دو پسر عمو

تريبونال بين المللی

پايان ماه عسل فيضيه و لندن

طرح آزادی ايران 1

اولين و آخرين ميثاق ملی

اطلاعيه جمهوری خواهان

يک قاچاقچی جانشين خاتمی

فهم سر به کون

توطئه مشترک شريعتمداری

انگليس و ملا

نفت، رشوه، جنايت و

عنتر و بوزينه وخط رهبری

اروپايی و ملای هفت خط

ايران حراج است، حراج

درسهايی ازانتخابات آمريکا

عنکبوت و عقرب

بر رژيم اسلامی، نمرده به فتوای من نماز کنيد

پوکر روسی فيضيّه با پنتاگون

به ايران خوش آمديد کاندوليزای عزيز

مسخره بازی اتمی اروپا و ملا ها

انتلکتوليسم يا منگليسم

آبروی روشنقکران مشرق زمين

رسالت من بعد از نوژه

بی تفاوت نباشيم

نگاه خردمندانه به 28 مرداد

سايه سعيدی سيرجانی :

مسئوليت، نوشته ای در ارتباط با رفراندوم

پرسش شيما کلباسی از سايه در ارتباط با طرح رفراندوم

هويت، به همراه يک نوشته از فرزانه استاد جانباخته سعيدی سيرجانی با نام مشتی غلوم لعنتی

بچه های روستای سفيلان

امان از فريب و صد امان از خود فريبی

دريغ از يک "پسته" بودن

رنجنامه کوتاه سايه

بر ما چه ميرود

روشنگری های شهريار شادان از تشکيلات درونمرزی حزب ميهن :

خمينی؛ عارف يا جادوگر ؟

ما جوانان ايران بايد

حکومت خدا (1)

می گوید اعدام کن

راهی نوین برای فردای ایران

رنجنامه معصومه

شير ايران دريغ!

حافظ و اميرمبارزالدين

دلکش و ولی فقيه

کانون وب‌لاگ‌نويسان ايران-پن‌لاگ

کانون وبلاگ نويسان

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